Come and join Perth Ladies Golf Club (PLGC) and play on the historic North Inch Golf Course with other lady golfers. We offer members the opportunity to gain a handicap; play in competitions and medals; play for fun ( or bounce games); make new friends; enjoy the outdoors, peace and quiet of the golf course; and take part in a variety of social events.

Membership rates:

£47.00 full annual membership

£12.00 social membership

£12.00 starter membership (2 years maximum)

PLGC reserved tee times:

Tuesday 1030-1100hrs (April-Oct)

Thursday 0920-0940 and 1300-1330hrs (April-Oct)

Saturday 1230-1250hrs (April-Oct)

These times give members the opportunity to play together in club competitions throughout the season. If you are unable to play at the reserved times, you can book your own tee time. Most competitions are 18 holes, but there is also a 9-hole competition played on Thursdays, at a time to suit those taking part. Play does not stop at the end of the season in September, but continues with the 9-hole Winter League, which is played on Thursdays between October and March.

Outwith the reserved times, members may book a time using the BRS app  through the North Inch website  or by contacting the Starter on 01738 636481.

To play golf on the North Inch Golf Course, you can 'pay as you go' per round or take out an annual season ticket. Further information on rates can be found on the North Inch website at Season Tickets.


There are many metered parking spaces available around Bell’s Sports Centre (2022 rates-£0.90 for five hours). Payment by cash only, at present. There is also an annual ballot for six paid spaces at the North Inch Bowling Club. Limited unmetered parking is also available on the streets around Bells Sports Centre.